Maintenance of Your Granite Countertops
Protect your countertops by never permitting anyone to stand on them. The weakest area and most susceptible to cracks is the area in front of sink and cook top cut outs. It is a good practice to use a stepladder and not the countertop to reach high cabinets or light fixtures.
As a matter of safety do not place hot pans on the granite countertop. The heat will not bother the granite but there have been instances where people place hands on the area where a hot pan was just removed from the granite causing burns.
The edges of the granite are most susceptible to chipping. Just use extra care when working with utensils near the edges. Chips can be fixed, if they occur give us a call.
Final Note:
It is worth repeating! The only thing needed to keep the surface of your granite countertop clean on a daily basis is dish-washing soap, rinsed with clean water and wiped dry with a clean dry cloth. Also, if you would not use a cleaner on your hands, don't use it on your countertops.